Saturday, February 1, 2014

my sweet mama sue

Mrs. Susie has been a part of my life forquite a while now. I can still remember the first time I met her! It was at one of Devin’s high school football games.  Kelli Tatum, one of my sister’s good high school friends, took me over to introduce me to them. Kelli knew the Sellers very well so she wasn’t a bit shy when we walked over. As we approached them, I noticed it wasn’t just Devin’s parents I was meeting…it was his mom, dad, brother, five of his brother’s friends, the Buffkin family, maw-maw…the list could go on and on. They always sat on the top bleacher at the games so from that day on, I knew where to look for them! I can honestly say that since the day I met her, she has treated me like her daughter. I was 14 years old when I first met the Sellers crew. God’s timing is so beautiful and perfect because he knew I needed this family at this point in my life. My high school life was by no means a walk in the park. My family went through some very difficult times and she was always there for me with welcoming arms.

I always admired how involved Mrs. Susie and Mr. Donald were in Devin and Drew’s life. They never missed a thing the boys were involved in. I realized very quickly that if I wanted to be a part of this family, I needed to learn at least the basics of sports or I would be the easy target for jokes. On the flip side though…I’m sure Mrs. Susie never once imagined she’d have to sit through so many dance recitals with only having boys! Once Devin and I started dating, Mrs. Susie never missed a single one of my events either. Proms, dance recitals, graduation, etc. Whatever it was, she was going to be there. It is so special to look back and think about her being there alongside  my mom and I while I looked for prom dresses and dance costumes! It’s crazy to think that now we are picking out wedding stuff!
I am so grateful to be entering a family that has been a huge part of my teen years. Mrs. Susie and Mr. Donald have always told me I was one of them! Family pictures, family dinners, you name it…I was there. If I ever tried to take a picture of the family, they’d yell at me and tell me to come on and get in the picture! It wasn’t too long after Devin and I started dating that they told me to stop ringing that doorbell and just come on in.

Mrs. Susie is one of the strongest women I have ever met. She has been a great role model to me with seeing how to live a God centered life and a family centered life. Her love for her husband is a wonderful example to me for how I want to love my husband. I wish more than anything that Papa bear could be here right now and see me become a Sellers girl. He always called me his baby girl and I know he knew I would have the Sellers name one day. I promise Mrs. Susie to love your son like you love your husband. Thank you for giving me my best friend.

The Sellers Girls
I hope you had a wonderful birthday, I love you!


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